Steps to Start 

Training Your Kitten

You can turn your cute, rambunctious kitten into super kitty by taking a little extra time to shape the behaviours and personality you want her to have as an adult. A little forethought, adequate supervision and early training go a long way toward keeping kittens out of trouble, not to mention saving the relationship and the home.

Kitten imageToo often, pet owners resort to punishment when they believe the pet has stepped out of line. Punishment is a poor tool for shaping behaviour in most situations. Physical corrections and harsh scoldings are likely to bruise your relationship and can lead to more serious problems, such as aggression. Never swat, spank, thump, shake or yell at your kitten. If you need to interrupt a behaviour, such as scratching furniture, use a water gun or make a sharp noise by tapping a table top. Avoid doing anything that makes your kitten act frightened or reluctant to approach you.

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